Me and You. (Poem)

I skip and play freely, not a care in the world. I see you.

I hold your hands to spin in our game. I like you.

I strut by in my budding sexuality. Only for you.

I step to your side, our vows genuine and true. Forever with you.

I waddle heavy with child, our family’s begun. Stronger by you. 

I crawl in despair, you’ve gone too soon. Why you?

I walk proudly alone, knowing what we’ve built. I miss you. 

I shuffle along, events coming to an end. I’ll be with you.



  1. On first reading I thought this was terribly sad but on second thoughts/reading the first five lines are upbeat and wonderful… It all hinges on the sixth line and the ages involved. The accompanying image suggests a longer life spent together and the hope at the end of reconciliation so perhaps not quite so sad. What isn’t in doubt is the quality. Nice play, Kira, great writing 🙂


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